I've been trying to get this to work.
The IBM instructions are to use Cognos Administration > Configuration> Dispatchers and Services > Report Services > Advanced Settings (Edit).
You then override the defaults and add a parameter: RSVP.EXCEL.PAGEGROUP_WSNAME_ITEMVALUE value: true
I've done this. I followed a Youtube video (which is the only explanation I've found on how the report side works).
You add a Page Set to your report, and you give it a Query Property to your query. Then you group and sort on the Page set, making the Item the tabs break on a group.
The Tab should then break on this group, and use the data item value as the name of the Excel Tab.
In the Youtube video, they show you this, and they generate the Report from the run button in new 'Report Studio' interface (that in CA is not called Report Studio anymore). It works. It worked for me too. But....it only works from that Run button.
When I save this report and try to run it in the background, the tabs do not get named.
Does anyone know, is there another step (perhaps another service that needs a parameter) for Excel Tabs to be named by Page Sets in saved / emailed / run in the background reports?
Yup, you need to do the same for the batch report service.
This works when you 'RUN With Options' and save the report, but when I select email, it doesn't work. I've opened a ticket with IBM now.
Quote from: jfitzgerald on 20 Jun 2017 08:39:39 AM
This works when you 'RUN With Options' and save the report, but when I select email, it doesn't work. I've opened a ticket with IBM now.
Did you make the same settings on the batch report service? That is what scheduled items would rely on. The report service is for interactive (run with options).