Included on an existing Prompt Page are ...
Prompt_Level1 - Parameter Level1
Prompt_Level2 - Parameter Level2 - Cascade of Level1
Example ..
Level1 has entries of ...
Our current Value Prompt for Locations
is based on Locations from the Cascade of Level1
selections of AAA, BBB, and CCC
Level2 has entries which Cascade from Level1 selections like ...
Parent Children
AAA Asia Pacific
North America
South America
BBB Asia Pacific
North America
CCC Asia Pacific
North America
How would we set a Cascade for Locations when both Level1 and Level2
have entries, IE ...
See Locations Only from ...
Parent Children
AAA Asia Pacific
North America
TIA, Bob
Place value prompt 3 on a downstream prompt page and don't make it a cascade target. The query for value prompt 3 should include filters that use parameter 1 and parameter 2.
Thank you.
Not sure what downstream prompt page is?
As a relatively new Report Author (Jan 2017), I will try
this and report back to this thread hopefully tomorrow.
I am fortunate to have several Report requirements at
the same time.
The existing Prompt Page does list 'Level2Locations' properly
as a Cascade from Level2 which cascades from Level1
Is it possible to "detect" which Filter to run based on whether
Level1 or Level2 Locations are selected?
Existing Detail Filter is ...
[Location Code] In ?OneLevelLocations?
which are the Locations selected from the
Cascade of Level1
The second parameter is ...
TIA, Bob
"Downstream" prompt page: Add a prompt page after the first prompt page.
Thank you.
Will continue trying to put this all together.