I tried to use Visualization charts in an Active Report but they won't load in the iPad's Cognos application
Quote from: tshw on 13 Jun 2017 05:29:32 PM
I tried to use Visualization charts in an Active Report but they won't load in the iPad's Cognos application
What does "won't load" mean? Is there an error message you can share?
If there is no error, then can you describe the symptom? Is it just a blank area where the visualization should be? Does it appear but not respond or show incorrect results? Something else?
Do you have the visualization's render method property set to Client or Server?
The mobile app just get stuck with each visualization saying "loading adapter bundle..."
the render method is just the default "client"
Quote from: tshw on 15 Jun 2017 07:02:39 PM
The mobile app just get stuck with each visualization saying "loading adapter bundle..."
the render method is just the default "client"
What version of 11 are you running? Are the visualizations all Rave 2 or Rave 1 or a mix of both? Is there a visualization on the first card displayed when the report is launched? Does the report render properly in a browser or do you have the same errors there?
No idea about Rave 1 or 2... I installed the latest 11.0.6
It renders fine in browsers... just not in iPad's Cognos app... which leads me to think somehow these visualizations still need a connection to the server?
When you bring in a visualization the new Rave 2 visualizations are shown by default. If you click the funnel in the upper right hand corner of the visualization dialogue you can select the option to see Legacy Visualizations,which are the older Rave 1 visualizations. Can you elaborate on which visualizations you've used? Are you able to successfully run any of the sample active reports and view those on the app?
An active report creates an .mht file which does not need connection to the server unless you select the render method as server, which you've said is not the case. Try opening your active report in a browser on a PC that is not connected to your network.
I'm using new visualizations... in this 11.0.6, I don't see a reference to rave 1 or 2..
and "legacy visualizations" are not installed by default.
I was able to open the MHT file on laptop without connection to our Cognos server.
I'm still NOT able to load the same MHT file in Cognos Mobile app or "MHT viewer Free" on iPad.