Hello All,
I recently installed Cognos 10.1 on my machine on Windows 10 and SQL Server 2008. I had few hiccups while installing, but finally able to install it. But, after the install I was able to see only Report studio, Business Insight and Advanced but not the remaining studios like Query, Analysis and Event studios.
I thought these should come by default. If not I can try to do the fresh install, but I don't see any option to choose what components before the install.
Also, I'm not familiar with the administration, but I can see pretty much everything under capabilities.
Can someone please help me out here?
Thank you in advance
Update: As I mentioned in my first post, I did install Cognos on Windows 10 and it has only Microsoft Edge and no IE. Honestly I don't know the difference, but on Edge I'm not able to see all the studios. Later I got IE9 and when I logged into Cognos now I'm able to see all the studios in Launch menu.
New issue: Though I was able to see all the studios, I'm not able to open any studios. It is giving me an error saying it will work only on IE 6.0 or greater.
Does anyone using Cognos on Windows 10 or Microsoft Edge?
Finally, I fixed it. It's just an IE compatibility issue. After changing the settings I was able to open all the studios.