I have a report in 10.2 which runs as HTML with the prompt button checked by default allowing the prompt page to come up. the same report in 11.5 (we are amidst an upgrade) has a prompt me button but you have to check it in order to get to the prompt page. is there a way to make that button checked by default?
What type of prompt is this, a checkbox? Does the default value match, exactly, the use value?
Hi Paul,
Yes, its a checkbox. if i right click on a report and choose the 'run as' option. it is contained in that window, an empty checkbox. what do you mean the use value.
In the properties of the prompt you have use, display, static choices (which also has use and display), and default. If the default value matches whatever is in the USE, it will select that value when the report runs. Take a look at the attached report, I'm testing on 11.06 and it works fine.
Hi Paul,
I am also facing the same issue in 11.0.5(works in 10.2.2)..Default selection for checkbox is not working.In my case,values are taken from db.What might be the reason?Any idea?
@skier74 ,Is that issue resolved?