Hi Team,
I have tried to create the SAPBW data source from cognos analytics CA11 and followed the below links from IBM.
However I m getting below error(Refer the screenshots) .Could you please support?
ERROR: XQE-PVD-0003 An error occurred while loading provider instance "SNWODP": SAPNWJNI library not Found: icuuc34.dll (Not found in java.library.path)[/u]
Coming to the SAPBW connectivity , I have done the following things :
1. SAP BW client software or SAP GUI installed on the computer running IBM cognos 11.
2. 64-bit version of librfc32.dll file (obtained from SAP) copied in the bin64 folder location.
3. Restarted the cognos services .
Could you please research is there any additionalSAP drivers we need to be added for SAPBW in CA11 Drivers folder?
As like for Oracle we need to add OJDBC6/OJDBC7 in CA11 drivers.
IBM Links :
1. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21969632
2. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSVRFT_1.1.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.dyn_query.10.2.1.doc/t_dqm_conn_sap_bw.html
HI Friends,
I went through the below link https://developer.ibm.com/answers/questions/294673/connecting-the-sap-bw-system-to-cognos-analytics-1.html
It's very Useful but Still no luck.Please check Im getting the same error as mentioned in the above link
Quote from: bhupalalerts@gmail.com on 06 Jun 2017 01:11:03 AM
Hi Team,
I have tried to create the SAPBW data source from cognos analytics CA11 and followed the below links from IBM.
However I m getting below error(Refer the screenshots) .Could you please support?
ERROR: XQE-PVD-0003 An error occurred while loading provider instance "SNWODP": SAPNWJNI library not Found: icuuc34.dll (Not found in java.library.path)[/u]
Coming to the SAPBW connectivity , I have done the following things :
1. SAP BW client software or SAP GUI installed on the computer running IBM cognos 11.
2. 64-bit version of librfc32.dll file (obtained from SAP) copied in the bin64 folder location.
3. Restarted the cognos services .
Could you please research is there any additionalSAP drivers we need to be added for SAPBW in CA11 Drivers folder?
As like for Oracle we need to add OJDBC6/OJDBC7 in CA11 drivers.
IBM Links :
1. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21969632
2. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSVRFT_1.1.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.dyn_query.10.2.1.doc/t_dqm_conn_sap_bw.html
Cognos Analytics connects differently to SAP BW than Cognos 10 did. You need the new SAP NetWeaver RFC Library instead of the classic RFC libraries you mention here. FOr details, see the below technote:
Thanks for your response
I have downloaded the files from the same and uncompressed using SAPCAR and those files are icudt34.dll and librfc32.dll placed in
Cognos server's appropriate bin64 directory.But same error got again and again.
Steps :
Before you begin
You must install SAP BW client software on the computer running IBM Cognos BI
If either of the client libraries is compressed using SAPCAR, use the following command to decompress it: sapcar -xvf librfxxxxxx.sar, where xxxxxx is the version number.
Copy the 32-bit library into the c10_location\bin directory.
Copy the 64-bit library into the c10_location\bin64 directory.
Stop and restart the IBM Cognos service.
Quote from: bhupalalerts@gmail.com on 06 Jun 2017 08:37:16 AM
Thanks for your response
I have downloaded the files from the same and uncompressed using SAPCAR and those files are icudt34.dll and librfc32.dll placed in
Cognos server's appropriate bin64 directory.But same error got again and again.
Steps :
Before you begin
You must install SAP BW client software on the computer running IBM Cognos BI
If either of the client libraries is compressed using SAPCAR, use the following command to decompress it: sapcar -xvf librfxxxxxx.sar, where xxxxxx is the version number.
Copy the 32-bit library into the c10_location\bin directory.
Copy the 64-bit library into the c10_location\bin64 directory.
Stop and restart the IBM Cognos service.
I'm not at all an expert, but you could check the following:
Did you remove the classic RFC library files you copied in earlier? I'd take these out to make sure they are not interfering.
Did you follow the instructions at https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap/support/notes/1025361?
Hi Yes,
I did the same .But still no luck.Can any one help me this issue ?
Hi there,
I've been through this and it isn't fun. Ultimately, I followed these steps:
1) Download nwfcsdk.sar from the SAP Marketplace (as per the technote below)
2) Unzip nwfcsdk.sar using the SAR utility
3) Copy the contents of the lib file in the unzipped directory to:
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\bin64
4) When creating the data-source connection to SAP-BW from Cognos, set the SAP server code page to Unicode UTF-8
Hope that helps!
Hi all,
We are actually under cognos 10.2.1 FP5 with a properly configured Classic RFC for SAP(BW) Namespace and Datasource and willing to migrate to cognos Analytics 11.0.6.
Under cognos 10 everyting worked very fine under DRAFT, DEV and PROD environnements using classic RFC (32 and 64 bits).
On the DRAFT environement we removed completely Cognos 10 and replaced it with Cognos 11.0.6 and now we facing similar connectivity using the NW RFC,
I have followed IBM Technote instructions that we can find here (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21974217)
These instructions are well resumed by IzzyB:
Quote from: IzzyB on 04 Jul 2017 11:17:29 AM
1) Download nwfcsdk.sar from the SAP Marketplace (as per the technote below)
2) Unzip nwfcsdk.sar using the SAR utility
3) Copy the contents of the lib file in the unzipped directory to:
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\bin64
4) When creating the data-source connection to SAP-BW from Cognos, set the SAP server code page to Unicode UTF-8
The NW RFC version i have dowloaded is SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK 7.20: Patch-Level 40 --> NWRFC_42-20004568.SAR ( see attachment)
It contains following files that i have copied into CA11_INSTALL_FOLDER/bin64:
We have the exact similar configuration for the SAP namespace between cognos 10 (with classic RFC) and cognos 11(NW RFC) except that it does'nt work for CA 11.
QuoteType : SAP
Namespace ID : SAP BW
SAP logon client : 900
Host :sapbwhost
SAP System number :1
SAP BW Server Code Page : SAP CP 4110: Unicode (UTF-8)
Advanced properties : URLDecodeTickets = true
When testing under cognos 11 we have the following error message
Quote['SAP BW']
[ ERROR ] CAM-AAA-0146 The namespace 'SAP BW' is not available.
[ ERROR ] CAM-AAA-0064 The function 'Configure' failed.
LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host sapbwhost with Unicode
ERROR partner 'sapbwhost:3300' not reached
TIME Fri Jul 21 15:21:17 2017
COMPONENT NI (network interface)
RC -10
MODULE nixxi.cpp
LINE 3289
DETAIL NiPConnect2: XXX.XX.XX.XXX:3300
ERRNO 10061
From my understanding , this message means that the drivers are well recognized but something is wrong with the network parameters
I've noticed that the used port number is a wrong in the error log message , because when system number is 1 the port should be 3301 not 3300.
Normaly port TCP 3300 is used when the SAP system number (instance number) is 0 (this cannot be changes unless reinstalling SAP server).
When asked our SAPBC admin , he told me that the system number should be 01 not 1 , exept that when typing 01 in the cognos configuration console it's automaticaly replaced by 1.
In order to force the port number i replaced the host name with its sap soute string , my configuration became:
QuoteType : SAP
Namespace ID : SAP BW
SAP logon client : 900
Host :/H/saprouter/S/3299/H/sapbwhost/S/3301
SAP System number :1
SAP BW Server Code Page : SAP CP 4110: Unicode (UTF-8)
Advanced properties : URLDecodeTickets = true
This same configuration works very fine on the cognos 10 DEV server with classic RFC but still not work with the NW RFC on cognos 11 DRAFT server, the message is a little bit different:
Quote['SAP BW']
[ ERROR ] CAM-AAA-0146 The namespace 'SAP BW' is not available.
[ ERROR ] CAM-AAA-0064 The function 'Configure' failed.
LOCATION SAP-Gateway on host sapbwhost / sapgw01
ERROR hostname 'sapbwhost/S/3301' unknown
TIME Fri Jul 21 15:32:16 2017
COMPONENT NI (network interface)
RC -2
MODULE D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/base/ni/nixxhl.cpp
LINE 198
DETAIL NiHLGetNodeAddr: hostname cached as unknown
Now i'm stuck here and hope someone can help.
Did someone ever succeded in setting-up SAP connectivity using NW RFC library ? if so , how did you proceed?
Is your Sap system number different from 0 ?
Thank you in advance.
Hey guys,
This issue is present since 11.0.6 and till now the same is not resolved. IBM had confirmed this defect and had given this reference "APAR referrence is PI87603".
If you directly configure SAP BW data source in Admin Console, then it works fine. But if you are trying to create a new Namespace of SAP BW in IBM Cognos Configuration, then this error comes. As per IBM, this is to be used if you are planning to use Single Single On in Cognos wherein the user need not login again with SAP BW credentials.
Hope this gives some clarity on the topic.