Hey gang,
I am running into an issue where an image doesn't show up in PDF/Excel but does in HTML. I checked other images in the same folder and they show up in PDF. This image is new, it is on all the servers, part of the webcontents/samples/images folder, permissions are the same, IIS services restart didn't seem to help, setting anonymous access doesn't help either. Running out of ideas. Anyone found a solution to this?
Based on a search (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ibm+cognos+image+pdf), it looks like there are several factors that can contribute to this.
Are you running SSL?
Are you using Single Sign-On?
What OS are you using?
What web server are you using?
If Windows/IIS, is anonymous authentication enabled for the site that serves the images? Alternatively, does the app pool that runs Cognos have read permission to the images folder?