I created a Cognos FM Durable Model with English Zimbabwe as Design Language and English as my Active Language. I followed IBM Guidelines to develop the durable model. All the business layer views, joins, query subject/query items and presentation views were built with English as my Active Language.
Now, when I published the package to Cognos portal, the package when opened via Report shows the package in the same correct order/ structure as I see in FM - such as the folder names are shown correctly, the dimension/ hierarchies are displayed correctly.
Issue: When the same package is opened in Dashboard, it displays (en-zw) prefix for the query subject and query item names. The dimensions now read as : en-zw New Dimension, en-zw New Dimension 1 and so on. The correct dimension names are not displayed in Dashboard whereas these display correctly in Report.
Am I missing anything? Any help will be appreciated.
Not sure if it helps to determine - Report in Cognos 11 picks up the Active Language whereas Dashboard in Cognos 11 reads off of the Design Language. This is behavior currently noticed.
Any suggestions on how to correct this? Would this require an update to the query items/ query subject naming convention for the Design Language as well?
I don't have an answer, but I'll probably see the same behavior.
What version of Cognos 11 are you using?
Cognos 11.0.6.
This looks like a bug at this point in time. I created a test model with only database layer, import two objects and the package behaves the exact same way as noted earlier. Report displays Active Language whereas Dashboard displays Design Language.
If we were to use durable model, then this issue will impact future development for sure.
We also have models with two languages with English-Australia as the design language. When I am adding things to the model I make sure that my active language is English-Australia so that Cognos does not add the en-au prefix to everything (which it will do if my active language is English). Hope this helps.
Penny - thanks for the info. At present, I had to update the model with English-Zimbabwe as my active language. This does take care of the en-zw prefix. In addition, I also ensured that with English Active Language, the query subject/ item names are updated.
I wanted to know how was the package behaviour when you opened the same in both Report as well as Dashboard? Second, did you publish the package with English Australia as your Active Language or with other language as your Active Language?
Hi there. Sorry for the delay in responding. I tried creating a dashboard against my dual-language package and you are right. I see the design language in the dashboard (English Australia) and English when I create a report.
I would have published with English Australia - design language as my active language.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Thanks Penny. This has been confirmed as a valid defect in Cognos 11.6 version. The next release by IBM is supposed to fix this defect.
Quote from: Cognos91 on 09 Jul 2017 11:59:39 AM
Thanks Penny. This has been confirmed as a valid defect in Cognos 11.6 version. The next release by IBM is supposed to fix this defect.
FYI - we encountered the same issue in 11.0.6 and logged a PMR.
We have been told the issue has been fixed in 11.0.8 - but we won't be upgrading to that version for a few months.