My project Administrator has left and we are in between getting a new Admin. I am primary a Cognos Report developer but interim handling admin tasks also.
My client is using Zimbra mail as their corporate mail client. Now we have been given task to integrate Zimbra mail client to Cognos configuration so that client can use mail notification from Event manager.
We need help for 2 things.
1) How to setup zimbra SMTP on our AIX machine.
2)how to go for Configuration and integrate Zimbra to the LDAP in client environment.
Cognos Versoin use is 10.2.2
OS is AIX 7.5.
mail server Zimbra.
You are unlikely to find Zimbra-specific help on a Cognos forum. Nor would I recommend putting it on the same server as Cognos.
But if they have an existing email set up, you do not need to install anything. You only need to tell Cognos about the SMTP host (in Cognos configuration).
I found some instructions for you, but I am pretty certain this information is in the install guide.
https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_10.2.1/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.c8pp_inst.10.2.1.doc/t_distributed_mailserveraccount.html (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_10.2.1/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.c8pp_inst.10.2.1.doc/t_distributed_mailserveraccount.html)
We don't have SMTP installed, Client is using (Zimbra is an enterprise-class email, calendar and collaboration solution built for the cloud, both public and private.) which is a cloud email solution.
Quote from: prashantmathur913 on 22 Jun 2017 11:10:54 PM
We don't have SMTP installed, Client is using (Zimbra is an enterprise-class email, calendar and collaboration solution built for the cloud, both public and private.) which is a cloud email solution.
Cognos integrates with mail servers via SMTP, so you're going to either have to figure out how to get Zimbra to interact via SMTP, or else you're going to need to find a different mail server.