Hi All,
Is there a way how to find the list of reports affected through an automated or batch process, reports affected after a change in model in Cognos FM Analytics. We have two manual options of 'Find Report Dependencies' and 'Analyze Publish Impact', we can't use these two options, as our models are too huge. We wanted some other automated way or a batch script which can be used or triggered to capture the model Query Subject's query item name changes and give us a list of reports
which are affected.
Thanks & Regards,
Do you have a job, that runs all the reports ?
Those manual options are the only ones that are usually used.
Other approach I can think of , is to rename the working column to something else and run all the reports.
The reports fails with the error "Unable to Find column xyz ...etc"
Next step would be to capture the audit data with the reports failing with the above column and decide your FM Column change.
Hi NC,
Thank you very much for the reply.
I found the other option a third party free ware tool Motio PI, which will let you the set of reports, if any change is done in a model.
Thanks & Regards,