I am getting an error while connecting to content store after Oracle 12C Upgrade.
Error: ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol
Environment: Cognos 10.1.1
Oracle Version: 12C
OJDBC Drivers: Ojdbc6.jar
Please let me know if anyone of the guys faces same kind of issue.
What is your Oracle client version? It should be 32bit. I think for Oracle 12 the driver is JDBC7. Please check.
Quote from: ashokguntupalli1211 on 22 May 2017 03:29:44 PM
I am getting an error while connecting to content store after Oracle 12C Upgrade.
Error: ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol
Environment: Cognos 10.1.1
Oracle Version: 12C
OJDBC Drivers: Ojdbc6.jar
Please let me know if anyone of the guys faces same kind of issue.
I'm pretty certain Oracle 12 isn't supported for use as a content store with Cognos 10.1.1. If memory serves, only Oracle 10g and 11g were supported? Oracle 12c support wasn't added until the 10.2.1 release of Cognos.
You're going to need to upgrade to a supported version of Cognos BI or revert back to an earlier version of Oracle.