Our users want a self service reporting model for ad-hoc stuff and data exploration.
We made a DMR, as requested, so what are my options regarding ad-hoc?
If we give them Report Studio with Page preview, they will kill the database with large amounts of data (e.g. dropping all years or all companies etc)
I've tried creating a report with a crosstab and a filter for year. So when the user drags an item, he is prompted. Buuuut, every time he drags something to the crosstab, he is prompted again and again and again. Same goes when he drills down, he gets prompted.
Is it possible to start a report, the user gets prompted for years, companies or sth, then he proceeds to drag and drop dimensions and measures in Page Preview without interruptions?
We decided not to use Analysis studio since it will be discontinued.
Patton, how did you get a report to render in page preview instead of actual report authoring(report studio) in cognos analytics? We have users that use Cognos analysis but that is gone and need to have some reports to render in page view
Quote from: maxchuie on 24 May 2017 10:13:47 AM
Patton, how did you get a report to render in page preview instead of actual report authoring(report studio) in cognos analytics? We have users that use Cognos analysis but that is gone and need to have some reports to render in page view
Open the report in Edit mode (click the pencil icon on the top left) in Report Studio and in the upper right corner there is an eye icon, which when clicked show three page views. Page design shows the standard view, Page preview shows actual data when we drag data items from the package.
Report interactivity must be set to 'Yes'