This is my first topic in this forum and I'm starting to use cognos analytics from a few weeks.
I have understand that I can use cognos analytics to create report, dashboard and other visualization, but
I would like to know which is the process or procedure to deploy my report for the use in production enviroment.
Which are the tools that I can use in production enviroment ?
Please help me ... and I apologize if my questions have a "low" profile, but I'm using IBM Cognos tools from a short period
and my business time is very short
Thanks a lot
See Chapter 19.
http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/documentation/docs/en/11.0.0/ug_cra.pdf (http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/documentation/docs/en/11.0.0/ug_cra.pdf)
I'd very strongly suggest you get some training or consulting help if you are deploying Cognos for the first time.
Thanks a lot
I will follow your suggest ...