I am inexperienced in EP, my background is in COGNOS BI but now I am doing both. Please foregive if this is a dumb question. We need to simplify our data entry for expenses. Currently users have a list of five thousand potential Expense Codes (this cube is filtered down via saved selections and access tables using part of the expense code that contains the cost center). For budgeting we want to only show one Expense Code per category (approx 40 categories). The actual Expense Code used for the category could be different by department but would be an real expense code. Actuals will be uploaded each month and they could be assigned any of the 5000 expense codes. So we want to have one view (tab) in Contributor that just shows the forty expense codes per divsion used for budgeting and have another tab that showed the entire list with the budget info filled out for the forty simplified among the five thousand expense codes. Kind of like a reversed aggregate.
Does this require two separate cubes or is it possible to use the same cube for both tabs (views)?
You should use two seperate Cubes. In many cases it is also a nice feature to provide a view on a higher level of the data.
Thanks. That is the answer. At least the one cube can feed into the other.