Hey everyone,
I got a stacked bar chart in my active report in Cognos 11.06. that displays a measure (amount of status), the status (ok, warning, nok) on primary-axis and the projectname on the y-axis.
I set a filter on 2 projects that my customer wants to see but both stacked bars have the exact same values e.g. 300 ok, 20 warning and 45 nok. When I look at both projects respectively I can see it "adds the values together" meaning 200 ok from project a and 100 ok from project b = 300 ok total.
How can I set up my chart to display the stacked bars for each project?
Any help appreciated as always!
Kind regards,
Anyone got any idea why Cognos will Display the values added together even though I'm using the categories (y-axis)?
I'm still trying to figure out that strnage behaviour..
Kind regards,