Is it possible to simultaneously copy / paste or cut/paste more than one report? In Cognos 10, I could just tick the empty bracket before the reports and they would be selected. Then I could cut, copy, delete or whatever it was I wanted from the top toolbar. But here I could copy or move a single report, which is pretty time consuming if I want to deploy many reports or back them up?
Quote from: patton on 05 May 2017 03:27:28 AM
Is it possible to simultaneously copy / paste or cut/paste more than one report? In Cognos 10, I could just tick the empty bracket before the reports and they would be selected. Then I could cut, copy, delete or whatever it was I wanted from the top toolbar. But here I could copy or move a single report, which is pretty time consuming if I want to deploy many reports or back them up?
Use <ctrl> click or <shift> click to choose the desired objects, then right-click and select the 'Copy or move' option.
Great, thanks for the info!
I tried same way ctl+click but while copy to other folder i am getting error that conflict in target location and reports are not copied.
did any one faced this issue and how to resove this ?