Upcoming Webinar: Find and Fix IBM Cognos Issues FAST with MetaManager
Save Significant Time on Your Cognos Migrations and Maintenance with These New MetaManager Upgrades
Please join us on May 17th, at 10 AM ET to learn more about the new MetaManager Upgrades. Whether you're upgrading to Cognos Analytics or just doing some spring cleaning of your IBM Cognos environment, there are three BSP Software MetaManager modules that can help make your migration and clean up easier.
This 30 minute webinar will cover:
•How to use Canned Reports to analyze Security, Licensing, Schedules, Large Outputs and discrepancies between environments. See some sample reports -http://www.bspsoftware.com/find-fix-ibm-cognos-issues-fast-metamanager/ (http://www.bspsoftware.com/find-fix-ibm-cognos-issues-fast-metamanager/).
•How to utilize the many uses of Object Editor to find and fix bulk issues
•How to leverage the just released Object Viewer's deep dive approach to fixing issues with reports and other objects in the Content Store
With MetaManager's new subscription pricing these 3 modules along with 40 others are available for as little as $4,900. To learn more - http://go.avnet.com/l/82212/2017-05-03/d21qwg (http://go.avnet.com/l/82212/2017-05-03/d21qwg)