Is there a way to export/import full d-list specifications (item name, format/saved format details, calculation, calculation options (none, weight average, time average, force to zero), etc. The reason I ask is that we would like to automate the generation of some d-lists (with all properties specified) as well as generate detailed documentation on our d-lists.
You get those infos when you print a dlist. During the import you can also specify calculation options.
Quote from: tish1 on 05 Dec 2007 03:14:03 PM
You get those infos when you print a dlist. During the import you can also specify calculation options.
Can't see any way of specifying calculation options (weighting, averages) during import in Analyst 8.1. Are you talking about 8.2?
I'm running 8.1 and don't see any way to print/export information about a d-list item's formats (all I see is the generic "Saved Format" indicator) or calculation type.
I know I can use the CalcText option to import a d-list with calculations, but I don't see a way import calculation options or formatting information.
What I would like to do is export a d-list to a text file format, edit it off-line, and then re-import the full specification for the d-list.
Is this possible? (Is there an SDK to do something like this?)
Quote from: bgunn on 06 Dec 2007 06:20:47 PM
I'm running 8.1 and don't see any way to print/export information about a d-list item's formats (all I see is the generic "Saved Format" indicator) or calculation type.
I know I can use the CalcText option to import a d-list with calculations, but I don't see a way import calculation options or formatting information.
What I would like to do is export a d-list to a text file format, edit it off-line, and then re-import the full specification for the d-list.
Is this possible? (Is there an SDK to do something like this?)
I'm searching for such capabilities (full export\import) since Adaytum 2.4 and it was never there.
Well at least I know I'm not missing something obvious :)
Thanks for your response.
It is impossible to import the calculation options in Analyst 8.2 as well. I misunderstood the question. Sorry.
Well, let's wait for 8.3, maybe it'll show up there.
Tish and Ykud,
Thank you for your comments,