Has anyone come across issetup.exe not working ? double click & nothing happens ?
Quote from: cadams on 04 May 2017 03:55:34 AM
Has anyone come across issetup.exe not working ? double click & nothing happens ?
Are you looking at the correct installer? Cognos Analytics doesn't use issetup.exe. This was the old installer for Cognos 10? The installer for Cognos Analytics would look like ca_srv_win64_11.0.6.17031315.exe or similar.
Yeah, I know, I'm being a bit of a rebel, the problem is not with BI, it's another Cognos product, but I thought I would see if the question gets any traction here, desperate times !
Quote from: cadams on 04 May 2017 05:39:57 AM
Yeah, I know, I'm being a bit of a rebel, the problem is not with BI, it's another Cognos product, but I thought I would see if the question gets any traction here, desperate times !
Try running it on a different machine. Might be an incomplete or corrupt download?