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Planning & Consolidation => TM1 => Topic started by: cadams on 04 May 2017 02:11:34 AM

Title: issetup.exe not working
Post by: cadams on 04 May 2017 02:11:34 AM

I'm trying to install the new version of TM1 I believe it's badged under "IBM Planning Analytics 2.0.1 Microsoft Windows Multilingual (CNHS5ML )"

I have no clue what's going on, I wish I had hair to pull out !

When try and run 'issetup.exe' nothing happens..

Windoze 2012 R2

Thoughts ?

Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: smiley on 04 May 2017 02:28:37 AM
Rightclick issetup.exe.
In the general tab you probably need to select "unblock".
This happens when you copy extracted install media from another source and windows think´s it´s unsafe.
Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: cadams on 04 May 2017 03:44:13 AM
Thanks, But there is no unblock option
Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: smiley on 04 May 2017 03:59:30 AM
Look in windows event viewer to see if anything is blocking the execution.
Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: cadams on 04 May 2017 04:38:22 AM
Unfortunately it shows nothing relating to issetup being run.
Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: smiley on 04 May 2017 04:41:07 AM
If windows is not blocking it, then check third party security tools on the server.
If that still does not help, all i can advise is to re download the media from IBM and extract it directly on the server.
Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: smiley on 04 May 2017 04:46:50 AM
I take it right clicking issetup.exe and choose "run as admin" also does not work?
Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: cadams on 04 May 2017 05:42:59 AM
I have already re-downloaded it, I've also tried it on anther fresh vm install of 2012 r2, in total I've tried it on 3 different servers and none work. I have no other 3rd party software installed, its a vanilla install. Yes I have tried "right click, run as admin"
Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: cadams on 04 May 2017 05:44:46 AM
Could someone please try downloading " IBM Planning Analytics 2.0.1 Microsoft Windows Multilingual (CNHS5ML )" and see if they have the same issue, otherwise it must be something to do with the way I'm installing 2012R2.. Cheers
Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: MFGF on 04 May 2017 08:58:39 AM
Quote from: cadams on 04 May 2017 05:44:46 AM
Could someone please try downloading " IBM Planning Analytics 2.0.1 Microsoft Windows Multilingual (CNHS5ML )" and see if they have the same issue, otherwise it must be something to do with the way I'm installing 2012R2.. Cheers

Done. It fires up no problem for me, so it's not the download:


The size of the downloaded zip file is 2.55Gb (2,746,973,886 bytes) and the size on-disk shows as 2,746,974,208 bytes.

How are you unpacking it?

Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: cadams on 04 May 2017 08:30:00 PM
Interesting I get
pa_2.0.1_win_ml_tar as 2,732,569 KB
pa_2.0.1_win_ml_tar.gz as 2,682,592 KB

using 7zip to uncompress
Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: MFGF on 05 May 2017 03:02:52 AM
Quote from: cadams on 04 May 2017 08:30:00 PM
Interesting I get
pa_2.0.1_win_ml_tar as 2,732,569 KB
pa_2.0.1_win_ml_tar.gz as 2,682,592 KB

using 7zip to uncompress

If you right-click on pa_2.0.1_win_ml_tar.gz and choose 'Properties', you should see the same figures reported in the properties pane?

Title: Re: issetup.exe not working
Post by: MFGF on 05 May 2017 03:08:58 AM
Quote from: cadams on 04 May 2017 05:44:46 AM
...otherwise it must be something to do with the way I'm installing 2012R2...

What exact version are you using? Datacenter Edition? Essentials Edition? Standard Edition?