The requested Report Version does not exist. It may be because the report execution was cancelled.
I can get 2-3 reports to run then all I get is this error.
Any guidance?
Cognos Upfront 7.5
Quote from: Vgamer on 03 May 2017 04:40:54 PM
The requested Report Version does not exist. It may be because the report execution was cancelled.
I can get 2-3 reports to run then all I get is this error.
Any guidance?
Cognos Upfront 7.5
I figured it out.
I tried using this fix used to fix Hung Reports
Recreate the iwrjob.db file.
Steps:Recreating the job datastore by following the steps below.
1. Stop all IWR services.
2. Browse to the folder containing the iwr.db file.
3. Rename the iwrjob.db file to iwrjob.old.
4. Start the Object Store services.
5. Launch a DOS session.
6. Navigate to the x:\..\cer#\bin directory.
7. Recreate the job database by running the iwrcreatedb command. Ensure that the -job option is specified. If the -job option is not specified, you will lose all your currently published reports:
Example of command line syntax to use: iwcreatedb -job
8. Restart the rest of the IWR services.