I have upgraded from SSAS 2008 to 2014 but get this error in the reports.
MUN have changed but I cant see what I can do about it.
Former MUN
[Project Cube].[Period].[Financial Year].[Fin Month]->:[M8].[[Period]].[Financial Year]].[Fin Month]].&[201512]]]
[Project Cube].[Period].[Financial Year].[Fin Month]->:[M12].[[Period]].[Financial Year]].[Fin Month]].&[201512]]]
All dataitems are now invalid and all reports should be edited to make this work again. Anyone got any tips?
Quote from: foppwin on 03 May 2017 03:19:18 AM
I have upgraded from SSAS 2008 to 2014 but get this error in the reports.
MUN have changed but I cant see what I can do about it.
Former MUN
[Project Cube].[Period].[Financial Year].[Fin Month]->:[M8].[[Period]].[Financial Year]].[Fin Month]].&[201512]]]
[Project Cube].[Period].[Financial Year].[Fin Month]->:[M12].[[Period]].[Financial Year]].[Fin Month]].&[201512]]]
All dataitems are now invalid and all reports should be edited to make this work again. Anyone got any tips?
That's horrible!! Microsoft changing the MUN format like this is not good! I don't know of any other vendor that alters their MUN format across a simple version upgrade.
The only easy(ish) solution I can think of is to grab your report XML specs and use search-and-replace, but of course this introduces risks if you get it wrong.
I don't have SSAS cubes exposed to Cognos, but I do have quite a few SSAS cubes here. None of them have anything like your [M8] and [M12] in the MUNs when viewed through any of my usual tools (SSMS, Excel, etc.). These look like something in your cube that was tied to the version.
Did you create the cubes? If so, how did you go about the upgrade? Something was changed by a person along the way. If it was not you, you should visit with whoever did it and politely point out why this was not the brightest move they ever made. This change would affect more than just Cognos - any reporting tool is going to pick that kind of change up and probably break existing queries.
Quote from: MFGF on 03 May 2017 06:11:51 AM
That's horrible!! Microsoft changing the MUN format like this is not good! I don't know of any other vendor that alters their MUN format across a simple version upgrade.
The only easy(ish) solution I can think of is to grab your report XML specs and use search-and-replace, but of course this introduces risks if you get it wrong.
ms didn't change anything, this is cognos which creates mun to ssas in this way...
just copy the report to a text editor and replace [m8] with [m12] then the report should work again.
if u have a lot of reports u can also mention to update the corresponding content manager db table which contains the report spec's, but be sure that u did a backup before! keep in mind that this action is not supported by ibm.
Well, it is pathetic that Cognos embeds a version number like this. But I googled it a bit and it does appear to be the case. Apparently you can see this in the connection string. Sort of makes using a SSAS cube in Cognos a rather dicey proposition.
Thanks for the heads up gesys.