Hey everyone,
I got another exciting issue with Cognos reporting. This time I'm trying to setup the title of my chart displaying a value 'the current date" and a short text "production status of ..." where "..." is the former value.
How would I do that in Cognos Reporting? For some reason the possibilites for the chart titel are completely different from the rest (I can't use "current_date" but "Today()" etc.), as always I'm very thankful for any help received!
Kind regards,
The chart title is a text item, and like most text items you have 3 options for working with it.
Static Text - Type in whatever you want.
Data Item Value - results of a data item in your query. You could do something like 'production status of ' + to_char(current_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') +'.' The available functions are dependent on your database. to_char is Oracle and DB2, while in SQL Server you could do something like convert(varchar(10),getdate(),20)
Data Item Label - the label of a data item
Report Expression - This uses another set of functions. Useful in some cases and less useful in others. Try: 'production status of ' + date2string(Today())
Hey Paul,
thank you very much for your quick response! Shortly after I posted here and kept Messing around in Cognos I came to the same conclusion so what I use now is: Report Expression 'production Status of ' + timestamp2string ( _add_days (date2timestamp (Today()); - 2)).
We are looking at the status of production since the last 2 days and it's working the only issue I'm trying to solve now is how to reformat the date, we don't use "YYYY.MM.DD" in Germany.
Anyway thanks for your help!
Kind regards,