In the past (in Cognos 10), I could generate all the cognos reports from the command prompt. But after I installed Cognos Analytics. I am finding it difficult to generate the reports from the command prompt (can't connect, I believe the authentication fails).
I would like to know, how do I add the username & password in this URL http://server:port/bi. Say if my username is 'ABC' & password is 'pwd123'.
Appreciate your help. Thanks
Really appreciate any advise from Seniors. I have installed Cognos Analytics 11.0.6, and using the inbuilt Websphere Liberty Profile. Just want to know how to pass the username/pwd. Thanks
Are you on at least FP5? Because according to this, the URL APIs were not implemented until then. (
If you are, then the pre-11 methods for URLs should work. If it is still failing, you need to tell us what is happening - error messages, have you looked at the logs, what HAVE you tried?
This might help, also, if you are on FP5 or later. (
Quote from: bdbits on 20 Apr 2017 10:31:27 AM
This might help, also, if you are on FP5 or later. (
To help fp_cognos, I tested your suggestion but didnt work for me
I'm using R5. You can pass parameters to execute the report, but it seems that login parameters are not recognized
I cannot pass the login screen where you're asked to select a namespace