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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Dashboards => Topic started by: jv_oz on 10 Apr 2017 07:22:43 PM

Title: Tree Widget Colour Palette
Post by: jv_oz on 10 Apr 2017 07:22:43 PM
Hi all,

This is a second post relating to a different aspect of a dashboard I am building.

I am building a dashboard to alert managers of problems at workcentres on a production line. The statii that are being reported on are literally 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 for each operation at each workcentre, where a 1 is everything is Ok and a 5 is that there is a critical problem. There is no other values being used.

There are somewhere between 1 and say a maximum of 10 operations being performed in a single workcentre at any one time. We need to be able to display the status of each operation within a workcentre simultaneously and have the dashboard refresh automatically.

I have a Grid style widget currently that displays all active operations for a workcentre in a list. Unfortunately if there are more operations than the list object can display withing the real estate assigned to the Grid, the list grows beyond the assigned space and I get a sidebar - not very useful for a dashboard 6 metres in the air! Thus I am testing alternate widget layouts.

I am testing a Tree chart. This has the boxes for each workcentre shrink to fit in the assigned space, however the colours assigned are appalling. If you look at the attached screenshot, you will see that I have chosen the first conditional palette. The one that goes from green to red. The data set goes from 1-5 as indicated above. I was expecting that a 1 would therefore be at one end of the scale and a 5 at the other, so a 1 Green and a 5 Red, or vice versa.

However if you look at the screenshot it is all variations on green, which is not a clear enough distinction for the client.

Can anyone please give me a solution to how to display this chart with more distinction in the colours used.

Alternatively, if anyone has any ideas for other methods to acheive the desired outcome, please let me know!


Title: Re: Tree Widget Colour Palette
Post by: Marvin Falentin on 11 Apr 2017 06:25:24 AM
Hey jv_oz,

I have a very similiar problem in our Active Report, we switched from Cognos 10 to Cognos 11 and I tried to re-build our old reports so I was using a "stacked-bar-chart" from the "New Visualizations" but I wasn't able to configure the colors I want the graph to use (conditional colors in Cognos 10). So far all I can tell is you can't use conditional colors in Cognos 11 Active Reports yet maybe it's the same for dashboards too. I know I'm not much of a help here but maybe it's still interesting for you to know.

Kind regards,
