Hi There
Hope someone can help me!
When users are saving data updates to Models, they get the following error message
Title: Problem Occurred
An error has occurred which may require you to take action to avoid losing data. You should save a local copy of the data (to file or export to Excel) or take the node off-line then restart the application. You should notify your Administrator of this error. Click the Details button for further information
Details: Communication with the server failed.
I've looked on the IBM knowledge base, and I cannot find any reference to this particular error.
Has anyone seen this before, or provide some extra pointers of what to check?
I am not a Cognos person, but in the Application Support team, and have been asked to investigate further.
Did you find the solution for this?
Have a look for the file planningerrorlog.csv on the client and server. This may tell you more.