Has anyone configured the report usage logging report in a multi-server environment? I have 2 gateways and 2 app boxes. I have gone through the config for the usage report on both app servers as the KB says, but I am getting an error when I try to run the usage report:
UDA-SQL-0528 The XML parser returned the following message: "An exception occurred! Type:NetAccessorException, Message:Could not connect to the socket for URL 'http://server_name:9301/p2pd/cognos/DSServlet.xml'". UDA-SQL-0196 The table or view "url_xml" was not found in the dictionary
When you create the url_xml you specify 1 server in the config? Is this the cause of the problem?
The SDK Audit app is a bit tricky.
For starters, (assuming you successfully built the class) you should be able to enter 'http://server_name:9301/p2pd/cognos/DSServlet.xml' into a web browser, and see an xml structure which will be one of the datasources for the report. If running successfully, you will see a list of the reports existing within the public folders. (Port 9301 should be substituted for whatever port you are using for the dispatcher URIs..