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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: Kiran Kandavalli on 30 Mar 2017 04:14:25 PM

Title: Cognos Active Report Need to run using Hyperlink
Post by: Kiran Kandavalli on 30 Mar 2017 04:14:25 PM

In Cognos 11 - I need to run an Active Report from another Active Report. Can someone help me to resolve the below issue.

1) I tried using Drillthrough but the second report opened in New Tab of that window. I haven't checked the option "Open in New Window" in Drillthrough.
2) The Requirement is I need to open the Second Report in the Same Window.
3) So, In First Report I placed the Html Item and copied the URL of Second Report - Which it is not working.
4) For testing I opened the URL in a separate browser and it is working fine.
6) The problem is with HTML item in first Report.

Code used in HTML item (within Codes)

<a href="">[b]Clear Parameters[/b]</a>

Error Attached


Title: Re: Cognos Active Report Need to run using Hyperlink
Post by: Kiran Kandavalli on 31 Mar 2017 04:38:01 PM
Could anyone help me in finding the solution for this please.
Title: Re: Cognos Active Report Need to run using Hyperlink
Post by: bdbits on 03 Apr 2017 11:22:38 AM
I am not very knowledgeable at all about Active Reports. That said...

An active report is designed to be a self-contained collection of data and views on that data. If you are using a full URL on an Active Report, you are essentially pointing 'outside' the Active Report, and as a result I would fully expect it to open in a new window. It is likely intentionally designed this way and there probably is no way to override it. You could check with IBM support to be sure.

That would be my take, but perhaps someone more knowledgeable on active reports will have better insight than me.