We have added a new link on the Welcome page for the Users to directly go into a Package and it is working fine. As of now this link is visible to all Consumers. How can we customize this to "show" to our custom user groups.
<tool name="Reports" type="custom" show="Consumers">
<heading xml:lang="en">Reports</heading>
<body xml:lang="en"><a style="font-size:14px;padding-left:-20px;" href="http://Reports1/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll?b_action=xts.run&m=portal/cc.xts&m_folder=i186B00BF46D3934AR0358039493"
onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return
true;" target="_blank">PD Reports</a><br/>