Hey All,
Our end-users of cognos all access Cognos from a link on a generic landing page. This link assigns the user an SSO token then opens up Cognos Analytics in a new Tab.
Currently in 11.0.5 if you open cognos using target="_blank" no reports will run. You can test by creating your own HTML page with the following: <html><a href ="link to c11.0.5" target="_blank">Click here for c11</a></html>
We've seen the following ticket with IBM (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PI75218), and are scheduling an upgrade to 11.0.6 in the future that will fix this issue. Our end-users really don't want to lose the landing page so we also would rather not take out the target="_blank".
The current solution we are telling the end-users is to copy the url and paste it in a new tab after the first cognos analytics tab has opened and the user has been authenticated.
I was wondering if anyone else has any other solutions to this issue?
See my adventure with this;
It is indeed fixed in 11.0.6, but while we're still piloting this version and aren't quite ready to go to production yet, we've told our users to right click on our cognos launch button/link and select open in new tab which bypasses this issue.