I work with a group of developers who love the client server Impromptu and can't reconcile moving to C10. With windows 10 making it impossible for Impromptu 7 to function can anyone recommend alternatives? Other products? Ways to get it to work with Win10? One of their complaints is using the results of a query to build another query - which c10 cannot do.
Quote from: stevenrj on 27 Mar 2017 04:11:08 PM
I work with a group of developers who love the client server Impromptu and can't reconcile moving to C10. With windows 10 making it impossible for Impromptu 7 to function can anyone recommend alternatives? Other products? Ways to get it to work with Win10? One of their complaints is using the results of a query to build another query - which c10 cannot do.
Use a virtual machine running an older OS hosted by your Windows 10 machine, maybe?
Why do your developers think you can't re-use queries within other queries in Cognos 10? You can have queries feeding queries in Report Studio. Is there a specific reason for needing to do this? Often you'd need to do this in Impromptu to get around Impromptu's inability to connect to more than one data source concurrently - a limitation Cognos 10 doesn't have.