We are using Cognos Analytics for a while now, have 30 users but just noticed last week: A Cognos user is logging in as Cognos Administrator where they have a 'Manage' tab available to them. We are using LDAP/AD authentication and it seems everyone in LDAP/AD directory can log in to Cognos and I want to prevent that as well. I have two groups in LDAP/AD where I add users; Cognos Users and Cognos Administrators at the LDAP/AD level. Also, when I checked the License tab: it shows all users are logging as Analytics Administrator not as Analytics Users.
How can I change these users to logging in as Analytics Users and Analytics Administrator? LADAP/AD all personnel should not be logging in?
There are several ways (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEP7J_10.2.1/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.crn_arch.10.2.1.doc/c_securing_access_to_cognos_connection.html#Securing_Access_to_Cognos_Connection)of doing this. The concepts apply to all versions of Cognos.
For Analytics, you may be interested in this article (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21998361).
Thank you for your reply...I have tried it but it didn't work. Any other suggestions?
I don't think I fully answered your questions. If I understand you correctly, you have two concerns.
1. How to stop everyone in LDAP from being able to log in (answered in the links above).
2. License management - users showing up as Analytics Administrator and you want to know why they're being included.
Here's what I think you're looking for:
An Analytics Administrator license is counted for any:
System Administrator,
any other Administrator Roles
(Directory Administrators
Library Administrators
Metrics Administrators
Mobile Administrators
Portal Administrators
Report Administrators
Server Administrators )
Refer to the instructions at the bottom of the page on removing the Everyone role, adding the appropriate groups, etc. Make sure you add groups/users BEFORE you remove the 'Everyone' role.