Hi all,
I have to create a cross-tab with few rows and around 15 cols. I would like to swipe my cols but keeps my rows header freezed. Is it possible in active report ?
I saw :
- http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,25352.msg92838.html#msg92838
- https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/cognos/reporting/advanced_report_design/page622.html
but not sure it could be used in my case. Any ideas ?
Thank you very much for your help
(ps : if it is better in active report section feel free to move this post)
I was able to freeze rows in active reports upto the version before IE 11, where you have to create to local classes. And the issue is not still resolved, if I am right. Check the below link
Good luck
New guy
Hey Vivieng,
if you search here on Cognoise you will eventually stumble upon my earlier post:
I followed the advice Paul gave me and "froze" the headers of my list maybe this will work for your crosstab as well?
Kind regards,
Here's an alternative solution to freezing column headers. Only uses a few lines of CSS code: