I have created an Active Report that contains a small list of data, which includes a link to an email and a link to a phone number. Both of these links have been created using an HTML ITEM. The email using mailto: tag and the phone using the tel: tag.
Testing Process:
~ When I test the active report on a PC the links operate as expected. The email link opens an email message and the telephone link opens skype to make a call.
~ When I test in the mobile app, only the email works as expected.
~ I also just hardcoded a data item with a phone number and set the class to hyperlink but no luck with that either.
~ The phone number is formatted as ##########.
~ I also tested this in a normal report using my file format as HTML and delivered the file to my email and was able to test the email and phone as expected.
Any suggestions on how I can correctly have the phone link open to make a call?
Suggestions or thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!
I was able to resolve my issue with the following changes to my html code:
<a href="tel://5555555555" data-rel="external">555-555-5555</a>