Hi everyone,
We are building what is called an Andon board for a client. I have a mocked up version of it attached for a burger manufacturing line. The basic need is to display high above the production line a dashboard with the current status of each of 5 workstations and the processes being undertaken for each workstation. Then to have a representation of the subassemblies that feed into the main production line.
The initial concept is attached. We will be building it with Cognos Analytics 11.0.5, so will be able to use the auto refresh features built into that version.
What I'm lookign for are some cool suggestions from anyone about how to make it better!
Thanks in advance.
Ps - my apologies for using a burger production line. No it is not for a burger company, but we need to keep it confidential
I had a look at your dashboard. I am suggesting some changes:
a) For the indicators : You can try using some conditional formatting on the indicators box signifying whether they are within in the limits or crossed some threshold value. E.g The box will have a green border if the value is within threshold and goes red if value if above threshold.
b) For the burgers produced this week section, check out with your stakeholders to know whether they would like to see some numbers for last week as well.
c) Not sure if you can display some kind of trending(daily, weekly, monthly etc) as these are quite common in executive dashboards.
Would look better if the colors have a lighter tone, but then again that's an individual choice. Let me know if you liked any of these suggestions.
The colors are a bit harsh; the greens draw the eyes for no reason. People with color blindness would have difficulty with this. I'd replace the green with white, and replace the yellow and red with saturated versions. #F3B0AE for red and #F4D2B0 replacing yellow. This way the colors would highlight workstations that need attention.
I would also move away from using colors for the sub-indicators. Why not replace those with icons? You could also a waffle chart to show quantities if appropriate.
Thanks for the tips #cognospaul and #ricky. I will incorporate these ideas. Cheers, jv_oz
White space is very important when considering dashboard design.
Try to look at other dashboards for inspiration like the FitBit dashboards (doesn't necessarily have to be BI).
For colors, I usually pick a color scheme to work with that is similar to the client's corporate colors. A great help for this is https://coolors.co/.