C10.2.1 FP10
I'm currently creating a dynamic cube off a Netezza datamart. As this is 10.2.1, I don't have the option to import metadata from FM :(
I've already imported my fact table, plus eight dimensions, using Generate Dimension using data sampling. But when I get to the date dim, I briefly see
Analyzing D_CALENDAR 0% before the generation crashes with the attached Java error.
Can anybody advise?
Thx, Michael
Quote from: Michael75 on 14 Feb 2017 09:49:20 AM
C10.2.1 FP10
I'm currently creating a dynamic cube off a Netezza datamart. As this is 10.2.1, I don't have the option to import metadata from FM :(
I've already imported my fact table, plus eight dimensions, using Generate Dimension using data sampling. But when I get to the date dim, I briefly see
Analyzing D_CALENDAR 0% before the generation crashes with the attached Java error.
Can anybody advise?
Thx, Michael
Is this a big dimension? What is the JVM heap size maximum set to in the properties of the Query Service? Is it possible you're running out of query service memory? Are there any errors in the DQM log files?
Thanks MF for the quick reply!
Is this a big dimension?
- 43K dates, from 1910 to 2030, so not really
What is the JVM heap size maximum set to in the properties of the Query Service?
- This is a property that's set in the Cognos Admin functions, right? We have a b@stard hybrid environment which is too complicated to describe here. To resume, we regularly change Cognos Configuration to point to one or the other of our two instances, then publish a FM package or whatever, then try to change the config back, often with errors about the signed keys . . .
Is it possible you're running out of query service memory?
- Todo es possibile :) Is there a way to check this ?
Are there any errors in the DQM log files?
- Can you remind me where I find these? Sorry, since 2010 I haven't officially done any admin work, and on the rare occasions that I've been able to do some, it's because I discovered that the security wasn't as locked down as they thought 8)
Rgds, Michael
Quote from: Michael75 on 14 Feb 2017 01:55:41 PM
What is the JVM heap size maximum set to in the properties of the Query Service?
- This is a property that's set in the Cognos Admin functions, right? We have a b@stard hybrid environment which is too complicated to describe here. To resume, we regularly change Cognos Configuration to point to one or the other of our two instances, then publish a FM package or whatever, then try to change the config back, often with errors about the signed keys . . .
It's set in the properties of the Query Service in the Admin Console > Configuration tab > Dispatchers and Services page. Drill into your dispatcher and go into the properties of the Query Service. On the Settings tab, change the Category dropdown to "Tuning". You should see properties for Initial JVM heap size for the query service, and JVM heap size limit for the query service. These define the min and max memory available.
Quote from: Michael75 on 14 Feb 2017 01:55:41 PM
Is it possible you're running out of query service memory?
- Todo es possibile :) Is there a way to check this ?
Si. The memory settings are defined exactly as above. The DQM logs should tell you if memory is running out.
Quote from: Michael75 on 14 Feb 2017 01:55:41 PM
Are there any errors in the DQM log files?
- Can you remind me where I find these? Sorry, since 2010 I haven't officially done any admin work, and on the rare occasions that I've been able to do some, it's because I discovered that the security wasn't as locked down as they thought 8)
Go to <install location>\c10_64\logs\XQE and see what's in the latest log (if anything)
Just out of curiosity is the name of the table D_CALENDAR 0% ? I wouldn't be surprised if it's the %, which is a special character, not being properly escaped.
If you select the table in the source tree and choose view data from the context menu, can you see data for it?
Can you create a dimension without using the data sampling option (i.e. select the project explorer and choose create dimension from the context menu) and add your table to it and then view data for a level or an attribute for it and view the members tree?
If so, then the problem would be with the wizard and you'd might be able to get further down your path.
You probably ought to log a ticket with IBM 'cause errors where array out of bounds appear probably should never happen in an application. You'll probably need to generate some debug information, which you can set up this way:
1. Edit the FMDesigner.ini file.
The file is located in the ..\bin64\fmdesigner ( or ..\bin\fmdesigner) directory.
2. Enter the following text at the top of the file in this order:
3. Save FMDesigner.ini.
4. Restart Cognos Cube Designer.
There will be a console window appear. You might want to adjust the options for the size of it.
5. Execute your test case and copy the information which is logged when the problem happens.
Hey MF and bus_pass_man,
Thanks for some really great answers! In the meantime, I've worked round the problem by creating a new dimension in Cube Designer, and than mapping it to my calendar dim.
@ bus_pass_man
The name is simply "D_CALENDAR". I realise that I could have made this clearer in my first post. 0% was the state of advancement at the moment of the crash.
I can View Data OK, but not generate the dimension. I've re-checked both today, with the same results.
I'll put your other tips in a safe place for future reference.
Sincere thanks for such good feedback