Hi All,
i want to install cognos 8 on my pc using oracle as database..,
Can some one please forward me the installation steps to do sooo..
Thanks in advance
The best place to start is by looking through the Installation and Configuration Guide. Chapter 6 - setting up the environment - includes setup of the content store against Oracle (among other databases).
Once you have followed the steps in this guide, come back to us if you have any specific problems.
Your Oracle client installation has to be at least a Administrator installation, because of the the use of sqlloader.
You have to copy the classes12.jar and classes12.zip form your ORACLE_HOME\jdbc\lib dir to your Cognos\c8\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib directory
Your database has to be created in UTF8 (mucho importante!)
You need two schemas in the database; one for the content store (e.a. cstore) and one for the metrics store (e.a. mstore)
In the Cognos configuration you have to delete the existing content manager and create a new one with the "oracle database" type. Don't forget to fill in the right parameters!
This might help you on the way, but there is a lot more information in the Cognos documentation. Read it carefully!!