Good Morning
I have a Cognos 11.0.5 installation and cant seem to find the legacy maps in Report Studio ?
Have they completely switched over to visualizations ?
Quote from: fry on 09 Feb 2017 11:32:59 AM
Good Morning
I have a Cognos 11.0.5 installation and cant seem to find the legacy maps in Report Studio ?
Have they completely switched over to visualizations ?
No - they are still there, just in a different place. Start by dragging in a Visualization object from the toolbox. When you see the dialog to choose the visualization, there's an icon in the top right corner of the dialog - it looks like a filter. Click this and you can choose between seeing the new (RAVE2) visualizations, the legacy (RAVE) visualizations, or the (C10 AVS) charts. The latter is the option you're looking for :)
There is still a "Map" object in the toolbox grouped within Data Containers, if that's what you meant.
Oops! I read the original question and saw "charts" rather than "maps". When you get to my age, failing eyesight is quite common, it seems :)
Thanks for the correction and accurate reply, Lynn! :)