I've had an open PMR with IBM for over a month now without resolution. After yesterday's hour long call with IBM to no avail, I was hoping someone here might have an idea.I will try to make this as succinct as possible.
The Issue:
When I attempt to login to the server using the http://SERVER:9300/bi URL, nothing happens. I don't get an error message.
Cognos Analytics, v 11.0.5
Windows Server 20012 R2
I installed and configured Cognos 10.2.1 SP 2 on a new set of servers with CM on A, and App and Gateway on B.
I imported datasources, roles, and content from an existing environment and tested it all to ensure that it worked as expected. It did.
I then uninstalled 10.2.1 and installed 11.0.5 with CM on A and App on B.
I am using Active Directory for authentication and used First Install for A and then joined B using the install wizard.
Review of logs I see no issues on either server.
If I install 11.0.5 CM and App on a single server, I am able to login, but that's not what I want.