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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: friend on 19 Nov 2007 07:47:49 AM

Question: I don't know how to open the report by using the notepad
Option 1: crn votes: 0
Option 2: crn votes: 0
Title: Report studio doubts
Post by: friend on 19 Nov 2007 07:47:49 AM
Hi friends,

can an help me

1. I don't know how to open the report by using the notepad
2. What is the use of XML in cognos reports studio
3. If we save the reports it will save in the xml format, and my question is  we can develop XML instead of developing the report

Thanks inadvance
Title: Re: Report studio doubts
Post by: rockytopmark on 19 Nov 2007 08:35:03 AM
A). In REport Studio, after you have defined your report, click Tools menu and select Copy to Clipboard.
B). Start Notepad, and paste the clipboard into notepad

2). Ummm... everything in Cognos 8 is saved/stored in XML in the Content Store

3). Good luck with that... Cognos built these tools to save you from having to code that way, but if you are able to and want to, have at it.

- To put your manually created report XML into a Report Studio report, again, select Tools menu and select Insert Report Spec from Clipboard.

No need to post your questions multiple times... they will be seen.  Best to start a new thread rather than hijacking an existing one, if the topic is different.
Title: Re: Report studio doubts
Post by: MFGF on 19 Nov 2007 08:38:00 AM

Any Cognos 8 report is simply a collection of XML code which is stored in the C8 Content store.  To view a report specification in notepad, open your report in Report Studio, then from the tools menu, use the 'Copy report to clipboard' option.  You can then open notepad and paste the XML specification of the report.  If you wanted to, you could then make changes to the code in notepad, copy the new specification back to the clipboard, then in Report Studio go to Tools -> 'Open Report from Clipboard' to bring it back in.  I wouldn't generally recommend this, though.

You could, in theory, write a report completely from scratch in Notepad simply by typing in the relevant XML.  To be honest, though, you're not going to be very successful if you do this.  It's rather like buying a car, then trying to drive it by attaching bits of string directly to the front wheels, throttle butterfly, gearbox and brake calipers and using these rather than the controls provided by the car's designer.

Just my 2p...


Title: Re: Report studio doubts
Post by: Feanor on 19 Nov 2007 08:44:57 AM
Hi there,

First off, you used a poll topic for your question. I advise you to start a normal topic for questions like these and polls if you explicitly want peoples opinion about a certain matter.

Concerning your question:

1. Tools > Copy Report to Clipboard, then paste the report XML to notepad.
2. I don't know the exact reasons why Cognos has chosen for XML but I think mainly because of the advantages that come with using an open standard. For instance the exchangability (of reports).
3. Because Cognos uses an open standard the answer would be: yes. I however don't have much experience in developing Cognos reports in XML only. Mabye there are others here who can tell you more about this.
