Hi All,
We have created a dashboard that has to be scheduled to ipads/mobiles of client. The file size is coming to be 30 mb. We need to reduce it to 20 mb.
Any suggestions please.
Thanks in advance!
Quote from: nancysinghal on 10 Jan 2017 11:07:55 AM
Hi All,
We have created a dashboard that has to be scheduled to ipads/mobiles of client. The file size is coming to be 30 mb. We need to reduce it to 20 mb.
Any suggestions please.
Thanks in advance!
Look carefully at where you are using charts in data decks. Each chart is pre-rendered as a png image within the MHT and is displayed when you switch to the particular card it resides on. You can sometimes get smaller more efficient outputs by switching to using visualizations and filtering them rather than using charts in a data deck.
Thanks MFGF. :)
I have the same problem, but bigger in size :'(
I have 2 data sliders with year (2016 and 2017) and months and Data drop down list where I choose citizenship (about 300 nationalities). This Data drop down list selects Data deck where is map of 180 regions, where I count number of people visit that region. Also this Data deck is selected with data sliders year and months.
When I run this Active report it takes about 30 minutes and generates MHT file of 250MB 8), which is not possible to run. Then I filtered citizenship and choose 10, with majority of data, and than file is about 80MB, and still not possible to use.
Is there any chance to create report which is usable. I am using 10.2.2
Thanks for help.