Hey, so I finished training for Framework Manager Cognos 11 and I'm struggling to create a picklist style prompt. For example, I want to create a prompt where the user can select one or more choices from a list. In this case, Division (010, 020, etc.). I've tried doing
#promptmany('Select Division(s)', 'memberuniquename', '[namespace].[dimension].[division].[010]', '', [namespace].[dimension].[division]')# along with other ways.
I know the 3rd parameter should be a default MUN and then you need the source of the members. I write this as a filter. I've also tried in the query subject definition [.....where DivisionCode in (#promptmany(...etc)] But every time I publish and try the prompt on Analytics, I get a prompt where you type in a value with a blank list next to it.
What am I doing wrong? Is there another step? Thanks
Hi pgorge12,
I might have not understood the issue right. But in my case I would create a slicer like set(hierarchy -> ?p_Division?), and then create a query with the same hierarchy and assign this query to the pick list prompt with the multi select 'yes'.
Check the link
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21343004 (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21343004)
and let me know if the issue is resolved.
Good luck
I was looking for something like this but with division codes in the list. Can it be done strictly through Framework or would this require report studio?