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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Administration and Security => Topic started by: jaychilders on 04 Jan 2017 09:11:08 AM

Title: Cognos 11.0.5 Distributed Installation (newb)
Post by: jaychilders on 04 Jan 2017 09:11:08 AM
I took Cognos training 4 years ago when it was still 10.  Last year I started a new installation of Cognos at 11, but circumstances caused me to stop.

I'm trying again with Cognos 11.0.5, but trying to do it with a distributed install (cm, then at).  The install options have changed enough that I don' t know what to do and the documentation doesn't reflect the changes yet.  I've managed to get the content manager up and running, but when I try to install the application tier on at1, I hit a roadblock with the installation prompts.  I have the option to choose Easy Install or Custom (I chose Custom).  Then I'm presented with teh following list:

Seriously, what do I do?  The manual just says to follow the instructions on the screen (and that was the case the last time I started an install on 11.0.2).

I'm so confused.  Can anybody help?  Do I need to install a local AT on my content manager server first?  Do I then remove it once I get AT installed on the separate server?

Title: Re: Cognos 11.0.5 Distributed Installation (newb)
Post by: MFGF on 04 Jan 2017 09:33:53 AM
Quote from: jaychilders on 04 Jan 2017 09:11:08 AM
I took Cognos training 4 years ago when it was still 10.  Last year I started a new installation of Cognos at 11, but circumstances caused me to stop.

I'm trying again with Cognos 11.0.5, but trying to do it with a distributed install (cm, then at).  The install options have changed enough that I don' t know what to do and the documentation doesn't reflect the changes yet.  I've managed to get the content manager up and running, but when I try to install the application tier on at1, I hit a roadblock with the installation prompts.  I have the option to choose Easy Install or Custom (I chose Custom).  Then I'm presented with teh following list:

  • "First Install", which installs another cm, then an at.
  • "Connect and Install", which asks for the current URL (I can give that) and admin credentials (which I haven't set up yet). 

Seriously, what do I do?  The manual just says to follow the instructions on the screen (and that was the case the last time I started an install on 11.0.2).

I'm so confused.  Can anybody help?  Do I need to install a local AT on my content manager server first?  Do I then remove it once I get AT installed on the separate server?


The "Connect and install" option is designed on the basis of you already having a running Cognos Analytics instance (ie all tiers up and working), and adding a further server into the mix. This isn't the situation in your case. You have two choices here - you can either go back to the original install and add in the Application Services, configure and start (so that the Connect and Install has something to hook into), then remove the application services from the first machine later, or else you need to choose the "First Install" option on this server, which will install another Content Manager. You can either remove this later on, or else use it as a standby.



Title: Re: Cognos 11.0.5 Distributed Installation (newb)
Post by: NeilJThomson on 04 Jan 2017 10:58:11 AM
Multi-server documentation is a bit scattered and has some subtle dependencies.

We have compiled information on installation/configuration, etc. for ICA 11 which includes key information we worked through with IBM support.

See here in the QueryVision Knowledge Base  - particularly Section 9 - Changes to Multi-Server installation:

Title: Re: Cognos 11.0.5 Distributed Installation (newb)
Post by: Narendrap on 12 Jan 2017 04:20:23 PM
i preferred to use ""First Install",  for the two servers and in the cog config did the config to set the environment working. That is one option to try.
Title: Re: Cognos 11.0.5 Distributed Installation (newb)
Post by: jaychilders on 12 Jan 2017 04:54:08 PM
Ok, so after some playing around, I've come to this conclusion: The Cognos guys don't know how to provide for distributed installations at all anymore.

Once installed, there doesn't seem to be any way to uninstall a component without ripping the whole thing out.  That means that if I wanted to have everything segregated, I'd have to to do at least one "First Install" with CM and AT pieces, then install/connect the add-ons, then uninstall the whole thing on my "first Install" server, then re-install the component I wanted. 

I haven't even gotten to the gw piece or SSL so I can use the old server address:443/ibmcognos.

Urg.  This used to not be so hard.