Hi All,
I am using Powerplay transformer and publishing the cube in Cognos 8 as datasource .Is there any way we can group all the dimensions and show them under one folder so that it makes it easy for users to pick the dimensions they need. For e.g., If I have 10 dims like Product, Customer,Customer Region, Customer Gender, Customer Age, Sales Region, etc... I want to have 3 folders for the major categories having dimensions like :
Folder [Customer] under which I need to show
Dimension +Customer Gender,
Dimension +Customer Region,
Dimension +Customer Age
Folder [Sales] under which I need to show
Dimension +Sales Region,
Dimension +Sales Group, etc..
Folder [Product] ...
Dimension +Product Line
Please help
Sorry - this functionality is not available in Transformer. You could achieve something similar in Framework Manager when defining DMR packages, though.