I am facing issue with reference path image in 11.0.5. Absolute path/default images are is working fine but brand new image gets added in server then its not working. Please check working and not working scenarios in the bottom.
Any guess what could be the issue ?
Tried with below virtual directory in IHS 8.5.
LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so
Alias /images "/app/ibm/software/analyticsgw/webcontent/bi/samples/images"
<Directory "/app/ibm/software/analyticsgw/webcontent/bi/samples/images">
Dav On
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Not Working scenario- ../samples/images/brand_newimage.gif
Working scenarios- ../samples/images/action_help.gif
Tried to update the virtual directories example below and as well as tried with report server URL as well. No luck at my end :)
Alias /images "/app/ibm/cognos/analyticsgw/webcontent/skins/corporate/shared/images
Tried with just analytics url. No luck :)
Thank You Very Much !!
Remember Cognos 11.0.5 does a URL redirect .... try to frame your URL keeping in mind the redirection.
I know this is the case in 10.2.1, but did you put the same image on the Gateway as well as the Application Server? Depending on what you are using to render the image, they should be put in both areas so that Cognos has access to it from both application areas.