Hello All,
We would like to send an alert email when the cognos service goes down. Has anyone done this? If so, whats the best approach?
I was thinking of creating a batch script and scheduling it to run several times a day to check for the status of the services and if its down then the script sends an email out. (Haven't had much luck with the script)
Or are there any better approaches to proactively monitor the Cognos services?
Any assistance or suggestions are most welcome and greatly appreciated.
Thank you All.
I have not similar kind of implementation but It is not 100% fruitful. The process will work if your BIBUS service is down but it will not send the status if the service is hanged or if any particular service is down or not responding. ( Example- report service etc).
My suggestion:-
Use SDK to check the status in service level and schedule email alert for the same.
I have not done in this approach but I guess it will work but need SDK knowledge to implement it.
Thank you for the input, Benu!
We have created a powershell script to check the cognos services and scheduled it. This works for us for now.
Thank you again for taking the time to help out.