Noticing this in two different environments. When in Report Design mode whenever you attempt to run a report to HTML, PDF, Excel or another, or if you want to View Tabular Data the report does not come up. What comes up in a new tab is the Welcome Page.
Anyone else seeing this in 11.0.5?
Quote from: jdfischer on 01 Dec 2016 09:26:34 AM
Noticing this in two different environments. When in Report Design mode whenever you attempt to run a report to HTML, PDF, Excel or another, or if you want to View Tabular Data the report does not come up. What comes up in a new tab is the Welcome Page.
Anyone else seeing this in 11.0.5?
Yes! We have exactly the same problem, although I've seen it work properly in R5 on someone else's installation so I suspect it is not a product flaw but rather an installation issue. We had to roll back to R4 so I don't know the resolution yet. Our admin noticed that the file names for cube designer and framework manager downloads were swapped, but the person with a good install (who downloaded a few days after us) did not find that to be the case. Makes me wonder if there were some dodgy files on the download site that were later corrected. Possibly re-downloading is worthwhile?
Our admin is unavailable for a bit so we won't be attempting to resolve this again for another week or so.
Here is the link I posted about it, which also describes a problem with drill through from an interactive report (ok from non-interactive) and some other flaky interactive viewer problems.,32015.0.html
I am downloading the Analytics Server again and will MD5 it against my original download to see if there's been a change.
It's the same MD5 for the one I just downloaded compared to the one I used to install that is being flaky. Original download was from Monday but it identical to what's up there now.
MD5 (ca_srv_win64_11.0.5.116111917.exe) = e0bd639f0d4463667f0cb268c1bf68e6
Same issue with both an upgrade and a new install, both on different boxes. It appears that when they added the functionality to Run to Excel, Excel Data and CSV from the edit mode the other three were broken somehow. Also tested in IE, Firefox and Chrome. All the same issue. Hoping someone at IBM fixes this quickly.
Give the Interim Fix a try:,32015.msg104651.html#msg104651
Just put down the Interim Fix, it does not resolve the issue unfortunately.
Nope, still an issue...........this is something they need to address quickly. Not having this functionality, especially the View Tabular Data option kind of hampers development although there are some less efficient workarounds.
Thanks for posting the resolution in this thread:,32015.msg104691.html#msg104691
We are off and running now!