Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to use a Crosstab in an active report to filter a chart. I would like to be able to click on a crosstab row member (row header) and have the product number in that row header set the variable that the chart uses to filter itself by product number. So in a nutshell, I would like it so that clicking the product number in the crosstab row heading will filter the chart based on that product.
Both the crosstab and the chart are based on the same query.
I have tried putting the chart in a data deck and having the crosstab filter the product number on the data deck, then setting the interactivity on the data deck to set the product number in the chart. The chart renders but no lines of data.
Should this be possible? Is there another way that I should approach this? Thank you.
Hi trex,
the way to go about this is a little bit different:
- setup your crosstab
- setup a data deck. deck items will be the same item as on your crosstab row member
- in the deck, setup your chart
- select the chart, and via properties, define master detail relationship from deck to card on the row member data item
- for interactivity, setup source control crosstab, data item row member, behaviour select, target control data deck, data item row member
setup like this, the chart will pick out one of your row values to display when first rendering. to control which one, setup a default value for your variable. If instead you don't want that, setup a default card on the data deck, add a second instance of your chart, and add the row member as series in here.
Thank you very much for your response. I will try this a little later and report back.
I had trouble getting the interactivity working between the crosstab (as source) and the data deck/chart based on the product number. ie, it seemed as if there was not responsiveness (no selecting on the data deck/ chart ) when clicking the cross tab. So I just used a list of products to filter both the chart and crosstab. At any rate I thank you for your help.
Quote from: trex on 28 Nov 2016 01:50:33 PM
I had trouble getting the interactivity working between the crosstab (as source) and the data deck/chart based on the product number. ie, it seemed as if there was not responsiveness (no selecting on the data deck/ chart ) when clicking the cross tab. So I just used a list of products to filter both the chart and crosstab. At any rate I thank you for your help.
Did you use the crosstab's "Clickable regions" property to allow the row/column headings to be used as clickable regions? By default only the cells are set as clickable...