Hi All,
Quick question regarding TM1 10.2 SSL certificates and Cognos BI 10.2 (Windows, full Business Intelligence server (not express) on a Distributed server architecture).
I have upgraded Tm1 certificates (flash install, uninstall/import key and keystore commands) on the TM1 server, Cognos BI server (TM1 directory only) to use the new SSL certificates and have tested that all works as expected.
Looking through the Cognos BI Install directory on the BI server, I have noticed there is also a SSL folder under bin64 and bin directories, which has a copy of the applixca.der file with the old expiry date.
I haven't replaced these files because I haven't read anywhere specifically to do so (Although does say for UNIX).
For those that have a deep understanding on this, I have used the ikeyman tool to check signer certificates for the BI cacerts keystore and applixca isn't there for the Cognos BI install, therefore I believe its not even being used...
Any help is appreciated.