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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: ARod on 08 Nov 2016 05:41:17 AM

Title: Stacked Chart - Sorting the Series based on Measure : Issue
Post by: ARod on 08 Nov 2016 05:41:17 AM
Hello All ,

I am having a sorting problem in Stacked Chart  as described below -

Category X Axis - Month ( Jan , Feb , Mar )
Measure - Count
Series -  Status( Having values Blue, Green, Red and WIP)
Bar Type - Stacked
Axis scale - Logarithmic ( As I have very small values that need to be plotted)

I need to sort my Series for each Month based on the Measure Count( Ascending order).
This works fine for the first month. But the other months take the same sequence of ordering as chosen by the first month.
So if Jan has values like ( Green, Red, Blue , WIP) then all the other months pick the same sequence irrespective of the Sort value.

Please help me with this .

Title: Re: Stacked Chart - Sorting the Series based on Measure : Issue
Post by: stan.parker on 08 Nov 2016 02:52:11 PM
Are you using a dimensional or relational model?

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Title: Re: Stacked Chart - Sorting the Series based on Measure : Issue
Post by: ARod on 08 Nov 2016 11:38:10 PM
This is a dimensional model. Do you suspect this as root cause of problem ?
I can try with relational model to check if it resolves issue.
Will post my results.

Thank you for the reply  :)
Title: Re: Stacked Chart - Sorting the Series based on Measure : Issue
Post by: ARod on 11 Nov 2016 07:39:02 AM
I tried with Relational Model too, same issue. :'(
The sorting works only for the 1st Month of Category X-Axis.
This sort order ( of first month say Jan) is then carry forwarded to all the other months.
I have tried changing from Stacked to Clustered Bar too but no luck.

Any more hints ?
Thank you  :)